D. Nicole Johnson Starr
Veteran/Founder of The PTSD Retreat on EFT
August 24, 2012 at 6:36pm
After much research and many hours reading and studying, I am confident in stating the following: No matter where you stand with your PTSD, your anxiety, your physical pain, etc, EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques) is the BEST method I have seen to date, when it comes to treating PTSD. I say this based on price (free for veterans), amount of dedicated time in session (6 sessions), ease of doing sessions online or even on the phone-not just in person (so you can do from your own comfort zone)- and the ease of sharing it once it is learned with others(like your spouse, children, etc), and the fast and long lasting results it has. Further, you do not have to share your trauma to get results, though don’t be surprised if you end up sharing it just because you no longer feel as triggered by it and the other pain associated with it is gone.
I have tried it myself in fact, to prove it works for me. All of you know I was involved in a head on collision when two joyriding kids hit my car head on, and disabled my back and my life. 7 months ago, I had surgery to correct it, but there has still been pain, even though it is much better than before the surgery. Now that said, because I now have hardware in my back, and I am still dealing with it, I did not think anything would assist it, or me with it. Long story shorter, it worked after I went too hard on myself and ended up not being able to walk and had to spend a 24hr period in bed. I worked with Marilyn over the phone, and before the call was even over, the pain was gone and I got out of bed like nothing had EVER happened. I thought it weird to say the least, but I did not care because my back felt better.
After a few days to think about it, I became skeptical again, and we did another session, this time focusing on pressure in my head from a lot of crap that was going on in my life. By end of call it was gone. I have since used it by myself to address issues I do not want to share with anyone-dealing with past trauma, and it has blown me away. I even took another veteran to Marilyn so she could work with him and they dealt with some of his issues associated with a life-altering disease that is killing him. He felt better before the call was over. His buddy thought he was lying but wants to know more. I totally get the buddy’s reaction because I too felt “this is too incredulous to be real”.
How can veterans be dealing with such trauma have it go away and it not return at all over 3 years later?! But, since doing it, I have been sleeping at night, even having regular dreams, not nightmares. I have awakened refreshed instead of tired, my passion is back for life, and I am only just starting, even though Marilyn says I now know enough to teach others-and I will, if asked, though I am still doing my own stuff. Indeed, I would love to get certified in this so I can provide it for free to all veterans and their families, and everyone who is dealing with PTSD. She says I can do that now…I feel weird not having the certification, but it is too awesome to not share it.
People are RECOVERING from PTSD with this. Not “dealing”, not “surviving”, I MEAN RECOVERING and their symptoms are GONE. I told Kevin Taylor, of Hope4PTSDVets.org, and he freaked over the phone he was so ecstatic about the idea that symptoms are gone for years at the very least, though those vets say for good.
No other treatment or method I have heard of before is providing these results. But, there are great ones out there for managing it. So many out there! And, I recommend each of them because they do work for managing and keeping stress lowered etc. But, they cost or they are just for the veteran, or for the couple, or they have a long commitment, or you have to travel to someone to do it. Overall, this is the best because it is better in all these areas and has results of symptoms GONE. And, it is so simple you can do it with your kids! This is huge for me because I believe treatment for PTSD needs to include everyone in the immediate circle of relationship with the one fighting PTSD. This can be done!
There is even an Army psychiatrist who uses ONLY this modality, this method, for working with soldiers in crisis overseas, in Afghanistan. She is home now, but swears by EFT. She won’t use anything else because nothing else works as well.
I have put a lot of info out for your to see about EFT and I ask you to seriously research it. If you want to do it, great, I will gladly do it with you and show you how easy it is. If you want someone else to work with, I am happy to refer you to Marilyn McWilliams because she can put you in contact with someone in your area, if that makes you feel better and more comfortable.
Here is my information and hers. Feel free to ask me questions, and to pester her as well. She loves it and she is an amazing woman. I agree with her when she says this needs to be taught in basic training. If this were taught just like weaponry, and other tools for being a military member, then they are more prepared for dealing with the stresses associated with the job, their families will feel more connected and they would be able to deal with traumas before they develop into PTSD! Hello, what is our goal!? This is treatable and it is BEATABLE!
So, here is the info. Do your research for yourself and discover what works for you. There are a LOT of resources out there, a lot of different ways to manage PTSD, and a lot of people who are willing to work with you. Please do not let your PTSD go untreated. The spiral of PTSD, downward, is devastating not only for you and your family; it ripples outward to others, creating a cycle of devastation. Be the change you want in your own life. The one you deserve in your life, in your family, and in your community. Make a difference in you so a difference is made around you.
You are not forgotten here. Know that and remember.
D. Nicole Johnson Starr – The PTSD Retreat – (801)580.1976 – ThePTSDRetreat.org