Vandana Bhasin
Delhi, India
Speaks English, Hindi & Punjabi
EFT / Tapping
The moment I learnt that it is important to look inside, was the biggest moment of transformation. I have an interesting history as I have a doctorate degree in Computer Science and Engineering, and was a Professor teaching post graduate students. But I stepped into the world of healing, the compelling reason being that I had suffered slip disc and other problems and my health was just slipping away. My healing journey took off with multiple explorations, like Mirror work with Louis Hay, Angel work with Kyle Gray, Pranic healing, and finally it was through EFT that I saw a lot of relief seep into my body. Without learning proper EFT, I could bring so many changes to my health; I was on an upward trajectory. It was then I thought if I need to heal myself, I need to learn more and I got certified as a clinical EFT practitioner from EFT Universe. I have believed that if we reach down to the roots of the problem, it always gets resolved. So, I help you create that healing space where you reach down to the roots and awaken your own power. I help you strengthen your inner core, relieving pain, and working with fears and phobias. I am open to work with people with autoimmune diseases."